We supply local and international titles to libraries in Australia and New Zealand, offering expert curation, professional Collection Strategy support and complete control over your acquisitions. James Bennett has a highly skilled team of subject specialists dedicated to learning your library's unique requirements and supporting your acquisitions program.
James Bennett is a strong supporter of the local Australian publisher/distributor market. Whenever possible, both UK and US materials are always sourced locally in Australia if price and supply time is favourable, with excellent direct sourcing available.
Our expert team provide a flexible range of outsourced collection development solutions based on their experience and knowledge of your library's requirements.
We consult with your library staff in detailed interviews and workshops when establishing a new selection service to create a collection strategy that matches your community's requirements. Regular workshops along with the use of analytical tools ensure profiles retain relevancy and adapt to changes in demand.
Access these selection tools:
James Bennett Online is our online ordering platform and the largest database of its kind, containing more than 10 million new and backlist titles. The database is curated for ease of discoverability so that you can find the titles you want easily and quickly.
JBO is fast, intuitive and reliable.
Best of all, JBO can be tailored to your library's needs and integrated with your existing acquisitions workflows. Orders can be placed online, selection lists created and emailed, and the real-time status of your orders and stock availability is always available. JBO also makes it possible to export brief MARC records of titles that interest you.
James Bennett has been working with our library customers to provide materials for Opening Day Collections for many years. These projects have ranged in size from a smaller branch library to a main library.
Our Implementation Team will project manage every step of the process to ensure delivery of a successful Opening Day Collection.
Count on us for:
For more information on Opening Day Collections, email csrs@bennett.com.au
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Contact Us (Send us a message)
James Bennett
Unit 3, 114 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia
P: +61 2 8988 5000