Community Engagement

Our purpose is to bring enrichment and foster engagement within, and between Libraries and their broader communities.

We bring content and discover tools to enable libraries to provide patrons with dynamic and vibrant environments acting as local portals to the wider world, enriched by reading, learning, and inspired by information and ideas.

Accelerated Circulation Plan 

The Smarter Way To Keep Up With Demand

James Bennett’s Accelerated Circulation Plan is an end-to-end solution which boosts circulation by meeting demand when it is at its peak; then when demand drops you return the books, freeing up staff and resources.



  • Popular titles available to on release.
  • ACP is priced as a subscription model to drive down ‘cost-per-circulation’ and mostly pre-paid to help reduce the number of invoices to process.
  • Keep books for 5-6 months, or until demand drops, then simply return to us.



  • MAXIMISE circulation and MEET demand.
  • MINIMISE waiting time and hold queues.
  • ACP delivers demonstrated substantial return on investment.
  • Increased staff and patron engagement across entire collection.
  • Sustainably remove copies from collection.

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Community Collection Manager 

The Complete Solution for your Community

The Community Collection Manager (CCM) works like a visual marketing tool for your library, delivering a web-based engagement module that fully integrates with your Library’s Management System. 



  • Web-based application launched from your council or OPAC website.
  • Pre-published publisher and media highlight titles.
  • True patron authentication
  • Live title availability check on your OPAC before placing reservations or requests.
  • Reservation hold service direct to OPAC with patron barcode.
  • Patron order carts.
  • All-in-One request and reservation management, delivering total control over. 



  • Greater community engagement.
  • Your patrons become part of the decision making process.
  • Visual marketing tool for your library.
  • Quicker search and request process for your staff and your community.

Get in touch! Download Flyer


New enewsletter service featuring all new content to ensure your library has everything it needs to meet patron demands. Subscribe here.

Contact Us (Send us a message)

James Bennett
Unit 3, 114 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia
P: +61 2 8988 5000